Sunday, June 21, 2009

Note from Vet Vernon

This from Vet Vernon, who found my website through an unusual search:

Dear Stacy,

I'm an occasional talk show radio host on KSCO AM 1080 in Santa Cruz California and I happened to have the privilege of hosting the Memorial Day Saturday Special on Saturday May 23, 2009. At the end of that show, one of my guests (from ex-special forces) pulled out about 5 Montenyard bracelets, took one, placed it on my wrist, and said, "there, as you know, once you're given one of these, you can never take it off." As I looked at the bracelet, I felt honored to have it given to me as I journeyed back many years in my mind to my days in Vietnam, my 2 tours in Vietnam. I also thought of a good friend from those days that had just recently looked me up and contacted me and, who had done a film documentary on the Montenyards (the forgotten people of Vietnam and Cambodia) in the mid 90's. I requested, and was given, a Montenyard bracelet that I will send to him." The documentary is available for viewing via streaming video at:

Just search for, and click on "Living in Exile" on that page.

Vernon then searched Google: Montenyard and my page was the first reference. I had posted photos of the Montenyard village in Cambodia where dad's 20th SOS was stationed. While I wish there was more information online about the Montenyards (US allies who were victims of Pol Pot after the US left Cambodia), I'm glad Vernon found the website.

Then Vernon wrote: "On this Memorial day, May 25, 2009, please accept my condolences for the loss of your father at such a young age, a young age for both of you actually, and know that, in my humble opinion, he did not die in vain. He died saving the lives of others and for that they owe him a debt of gratitude."

Thanks for your kind message, Vernon!

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